Monday, April 13, 2009

What is Love?

Watch the video before reading. Thank you.

Nowadays I been going around hearing people talking complaining the small things about how unperfect their boyfriends are, or how they make small little mistake like coming late. Well truthfully I walk Life, As life is beautifull not because of the perfect things like sunny shine or the smell of beautifull flowers. NO!

I see life beautifull, the same way I see beauty in a person through his/her imperfection. Instead of loving sunshine, I love the rain more, instead of flowers smell, i preffer the smell or the ordour that stinks. Instead of sad experience people trying to avoid, I receive them as they come. Because Life its not all about the good things but the bad things that makes it beautifull. 

I guess as I still walk in the route in this world, I will keep learning new things everyday. And its true. I learn how to smile even more then I used too, I learn how to accept the imperfection of others. I learn how to be happy that the most important lesson I learned. But, After this video, i realize i been loving people for their imperfection as well. 

I think its time that people should do the same, and start understanding each other for a better world. 

I hope someday, I would find someone that I would be happy with their imperfection. 

1 comment:

Pixie Clover said...

touching~...yea, we shudnt avoid bad things, instead, accept them and learn from it, that's what we call LIFE^^